Certification NumberT-0003
Guide NameRieko Matsuda
Residential AreaTokunoshima Island
Guide AreasForest (Caving/Spelunking), Countryside, Folk, Cultural
AffiliationNPO Tokunoshima Nijinokai
Location2324-1 Isen, Isen-cho, Oshima-gun
MessageIt is my pleasure to have been born on Tokunoshima and to now be living on the island. The more I learn about Tokunoshima, the more I find it endlessly fascinating. The nature, the people, the history, the traditions, the culture, the food, the island dialect and proverbs, the island songs... all of our treasures are unique and full of interest. I hope you will enjoy them. I look forward to seeing you at "An Island in the South Pacific, Tokunoshima."